Presented by Krishna Prasad

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Git commit ( git commit ) Command

git commit is for adding the work done into VCS, so that you can publish your work with your colleague. Basically if you commit something in your local repositoy by the command git command -m "your commit message" will store the changes locally, once you push it to the remote repository then it is visible for others.

Before commit your changes you should check that which files are changed by the command git status this will list the files changes by use, now you can add those files you want to commit by the command git add < files name > , after adding all those file you want to commit will be visible in gree colour if you check the git status. Now you are ready to commit by the following command. git commit -m "Your commit message"

How do you changes you commit message?

In case you have add comment message which is not relevent or nor appropriate or have you type something wrong, then you could easily changes it by the following command

git commit --amend and press Enter. The committed message will be open in your vim or vi or whatever your default editor, edit the message and save it.

How do you changes you commit message when you have already pushed to your remote branch?

In case you have already pushed to remote branch then use the following git commands to change the comment and again push it to remote branch.

First changes the comment git commit --amend and press Enter. The committed message will be open in your vim or vi or whatever your default editor, edit the message and save it.

Now push the branch again so that other can see your changes message git push origin BranchName --force or git push origin BranchName -f
